It felt good. It made me realize that I'm fine.
Today something was done for me that was just so super nice and I appreciate it so much and it's just so nice to be thought of and shown appreciation in most unexpected ways. I love that.
I think I agreed to ride the light rail without pants with a large group of people that will also not be wearing pants. There's nothing that can go wrong there.
Two thousand fourteen just started and already I have fun stuff lining up for me to look forward to. I love that, too!
I'm fine. I wouldn't have thought it. If you'd asked me on Monday if I'd be fine by Thursday I would have said no. But the truth is, I woke up fine on Tuesday.
The Sun came out.
I was told that is from "The Sound of Music." I haven't seen it. But I'm told I should.
I'm going to be creative this year. I'm going to try to be creative every day. So, I guess that basically means I'm doing a photo a day project. So far, so good!
This was prompted by me looking at my photos from 2008. When I was creative daily and did goofy things and just looked happier and prettier and made videos and acted absurd and danced way more often than I have been the last few years and just did happy things. I'm gonna do that. Because I should.
I'm on the right path.
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