Today I woke up like I do most days and got ready for work in my usual fashion and everything seemed to be in order.
Instead of the radio I listened to "Welcome to Night Vale" which I am finding quite delightful, absurd, and slightly off-putting when it jumps into my head as I'm crawling into my bed at night.
When I arrived to work the very first thing I saw on the Facebook was the big announcement that Nathan Fillion will be at the Phoenix ComiCon. That was QUITE exciting for me. Seriously. I got all giddy. It was cute.
Then it just kinda hit me that I was in a good mood. And not just because of the guy from "Two Guys, a Girl, and Pizza Place" coming to the 'con. No. I just was. Because I am. In a good mood, that is.
Later as I was standing outside on this marvelous, lovely, blue skied day to get food from a local food truck it hit me all over again. How I just feel good. How I was feeling happy and in a good mood. A girl asked if I could be interviewed for a radio spot and I agreed. I didn't roll my eyes or act like I was put out. Nope. I said "Sure!" and answered her questions. Because of good mood.
I'm going hiking today after work with some co-workers. And we've talked aobut it a lot throughout the day and I'm just really looking forward to it. It has great views. I'm outside moving aobut. I'm interacting with people. I'm getting encouragement. And I'm working on my fear of walking down uneven terrains. It's all good! And I'm happy about it and looking forward to it!
I don't know if this is all because I'm working out and I have endorphins or if it's because I'm on a new medication regime to keep my allergies at bay so maybe I have more oxygen feeding my brain or what. I just know that I feel pretty grand. I feel so grand that it makes me hope that everyone feels as grand as I do.
So, there you go. I'm not always an emo little shit. Hooray!
I dig happy Andrea