Tuesday, February 4, 2014

...couldn't keep. linger on...

I recently bought an antenna for my TV and I can now watch the news and some shows when they air and all of that. I find it annoying, really. All the commercials and noise? Ugh. I'm spoiled by Netflix and HuluPlus, I guess.

But last night I watched the latest episode of "How I Met Your Mother" even though I was two episodes behind. I'm a rebel that way.

I realized that I'm Ted fucking Mosby and I totally have a Robin balloon lingering in my life. I'm not holding on to it, but it is there. Bouncing around the ceiling in a corner, unable to just break free.

It made me incredibly sad.

It didn't linger, the sad. But it was there and I cried a wee bit but then I shook it off. Mostly. I mean, I am here writing about it.

I guess I'm just not as moved on and adjusted to things as I think I am. But I'm getting there. One day I'll open a window and the balloon will bounce along the ceiling until it catches a nice air draft and off it will go into the big blue sky.

And if not I'll just pop it with a pin and that'll be that...

1 comment:

  1. I'm here if you need to chat. This week has been dumb as far as email goes because I'm only working til noon but you know where to find me. xo
